var/cache/dev/twig/a1/a1d70e5c97ffc67f0df3632d205249963c831f183a49a487705befeef8a7b838.php line 485

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  1. <?php
  2. use Twig\Environment;
  3. use Twig\Error\LoaderError;
  4. use Twig\Error\RuntimeError;
  5. use Twig\Extension\SandboxExtension;
  6. use Twig\Markup;
  7. use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityError;
  8. use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedTagError;
  9. use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFilterError;
  10. use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFunctionError;
  11. use Twig\Source;
  12. use Twig\Template;
  13. /* base2.html.twig */
  14. class __TwigTemplate_b38e5a0cf68791e9ff607eba122be443ad71efa505ac2e00ea380757512a3866 extends Template
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  16.     private $source;
  17.     private $macros = [];
  18.     public function __construct(Environment $env)
  19.     {
  20.         parent::__construct($env);
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  22.         $this->parent false;
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  25.         ];
  26.     }
  27.     protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = [])
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  34.         // line 1
  35.         echo "
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  96.         // line 41
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  132.                 // line 56
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  146.             // line 61
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  157.         // line 65
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  166.         // line 72
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  174.                               <!-- <span class=\"modal-title d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center\" style:\"padding-top:35px;\">Alertes</span> -->
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  177.             // line 80
  178.             echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getPath("favoris");
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  183.                               <!-- <span class=\"modal-title d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center\" style:\"padding-top:35px;\">Alertes</span> -->
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  186.             // line 86
  187.             echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getPath("annonces");
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  192.                               <!-- <span class=\"modal-title d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center\" style:\"padding-top:35px;\">Alertes</span> -->
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  194.                            ";
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  196.         // line 93
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  199.         // line 94
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  204.             // line 96
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  209.                 echo "\"><i class=\"fas fa-regular fa-plus\"></i> Créer une annonce</a>
  210.                               ";
  211.             } else {
  212.                 // line 99
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  214.                               ";
  215.             }
  216.             // line 101
  217.             echo "                           </li>
  218.                            ";
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  220.         // line 103
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  225.                ";
  226.         // line 108
  227.         if (twig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source, (isset($context["app"]) || array_key_exists("app"$context) ? $context["app"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "app" does not exist.'108$this->source); })()), "user", [], "any"falsefalsefalse108)) {
  228.             // line 109
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  237.                                ";
  238.             // line 117
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  240.                 // line 118
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  243.                 // line 119
  244.                 echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getPath("notesEnseignes");
  245.                 echo "\"><!--<i class=\"fas fa-thumbs-up\"></i>--> Notes obtenues</a>
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  249.                 // line 122
  250.                 echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getPath("mesAnnonces", ["type" => "encours"]);
  251.                 echo "\">Mes annonces</a></li>
  252.                                  <li><a class=\"dropdown-item\" href=\"";
  253.                 // line 123
  254.                 echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getPath("mesAnnonces", ["type" => "terminee"]);
  255.                 echo "\">Annonces terminées</a></li>
  256.                                  <li><a class=\"dropdown-item\" href=\"";
  257.                 // line 124
  258.                 echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getPath("achatCredit");
  259.                 echo "\"  style=\"color:red\">Acheter du crédit</a></li>
  260.                                  ";
  261.                 // line 126
  262.                 echo "                                 <li><a class=\"dropdown-item\" href=\"";
  263.                 echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getPath("achatFacture");
  264.                 echo "\"  style=\"color:red\"></i> Factures</a></li>
  265.                                  <hr>
  266.                                  ";
  267.             }
  268.             // line 129
  269.             echo "
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  271.             // line 130
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  273.             echo "\" class=\"dropdown-item\">Profil</a></li> 
  274.                                  <li><a href=\"";
  275.             // line 131
  276.             echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getPath("app_logout");
  277.             echo "\" class=\"dropdown-item user-logout\">Déconnexion</a></li>
  278.                                  <li><a href=\"\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#modaldelete\" class=\"dropdown-item user-logout\">Supprimer mon compte</a></li>
  279.                               </ul>
  280.                            </li>
  281.                         </ul>
  282.                      </div>
  283.                   </div>
  284.                </div>
  285.                ";
  286.         } else {
  287.             // line 140
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  290.                </div>
  292.       <!-- <a data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#connexion-modal\">Se connecter</a> -->
  293.                ";
  294.         }
  295.         // line 148
  296.         echo "            </div>
  297.          </div>
  298.       </div>
  300.    <!-- Modal delete account -->
  301.    <div class=\"modal fade\" id=\"modaldelete\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"dialog\" aria-labelledby=\"modaldeleteLabel\">
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  303.          <div class=\"modal-content\">
  304.             <div class=\"modal-header\">
  305.                <h4 class=\"modal-title\">Supprimer mon compte !</h4>
  306.                <button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"modal\" aria-label=\"Close\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">&times;</span></button>
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  308.             <div class=\"modal-body\">
  310.                <p>Vous êtes sur le point de nous demander de fermer de manière définitive votre compte et de supprimer vos données. Une fois votre compte fermé, tous les services auxquels vous accédez par le biais de votre compte ne seront plus disponibles.</p>
  311.                <div class=\"confirm-row d-flex\">
  312.                   <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"confirmation\" id=\"confirmation\">
  313.                   <label for=\"confirmation\">OUI, JE SOUHAITE FERMER DEFINITIVEMENT MON COMPTE ET SUPPRIMER MES DONNÉES</label>
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  316.             <div class=\"modal-footer\">
  317.                <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default\" data-dismiss=\"modal\" style=\"color:red\">Supprimer</button>
  318.                <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-primary text-light\">Annuler</button>
  319.             </div>
  320.          </div>
  321.       </div>
  322.    </div>
  323. <!-- Modal -->
  324. <div class=\"modal fade\" id=\"alerte\" tabindex=\"-1\" aria-labelledby=\"alerteModalLabel\" aria-hidden=\"true\">
  325.     <div class=\"modal-dialog\">
  326.         <div class=\"modal-content\" style=\"height: 41em;\">
  327.             <div class=\"modal-header\">
  328.                 <h5 class=\"modal-title\" id=\"alerteModalLabel\">Mes alertes</h5>
  329.                 <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn-close\" data-bs-dismiss=\"modal\" aria-label=\"Close\"></button>
  330.             </div>
  331.             <div class=\"modal-body\" style=\"margin:0;padding:10px;\">
  332.                 <div class=\"row\">
  333.                     <form action=\"";
  334.         // line 186
  335.         echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getPath("addAlertes");
  336.         echo "\" method=\"post\" class=\"d-flex flex-column\">
  337.                         <label for=\"\" class=\"form-label\" style=\"margin:0;padding:10px;\">Créer une alerte par mots-clés :</label>
  338.                         <div class=\"d-flex\">
  339.                             <input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"texte\" style=\"height:2.5em;\" placeholder=\"Nouvelle Alerte\">
  340.                         </div>
  341.                 </div>
  342.                 <div id=\"alerte-categorie\" style=\"margin-top:30px;\">
  343.                     <div>
  344.                         <div class=\"mb-3\">
  345.                             <label for=\"categorie\" class=\"form-label\">Créer une alerte par catégorie :</label>
  346.                             <div class=\"d-flex\">
  347.                                 <select class=\"form-select\" id=\"categorie\" name=\"categorie\" style=\"height:2.5em;\">
  348.                                     <option value=\"0\">-- Choisir catégorie --</option>
  349.                                     ";
  350.         // line 200
  351.         $context['_parent'] = $context;
  352.         $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable((isset($context["categories"]) || array_key_exists("categories"$context) ? $context["categories"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "categories" does not exist.'200$this->source); })()));
  353.         foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["categorie"]) {
  354.             // line 201
  355.             echo "                                        <option value=\"";
  356.             echo twig_escape_filter($this->envtwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source$context["categorie"], "id", [], "any"falsefalsefalse201), "html"nulltrue);
  357.             echo "\">";
  358.             echo twig_escape_filter($this->envtwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source$context["categorie"], "libelle", [], "any"falsefalsefalse201), "html"nulltrue);
  359.             echo "</option>
  360.                                     ";
  361.         }
  362.         $_parent $context['_parent'];
  363.         unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['categorie'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
  364.         $context array_intersect_key($context$_parent) + $_parent;
  365.         // line 203
  366.         echo "                                </select>
  367.                             </div>
  368.                         </div>
  369.                     </div>
  370.                 </div>
  371.                 <div id=\"alerte-perimetre\" style=\"margin-top:40px;\">
  372.                     <div>
  373.                         <div class=\"mb-3\">
  374.                             <label for=\"perimetre\" class=\"form-label\">Créer une alerte par localisation :</label>
  375.                         </div>
  376.                         <div class=\"mb-3\">
  377.                             <label for=\"ville\" class=\"form-label\">Ville :</label>
  378.                             ";
  379.         // line 216
  380.         if (twig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source, (isset($context["app"]) || array_key_exists("app"$context) ? $context["app"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "app" does not exist.'216$this->source); })()), "user", [], "any"falsefalsefalse216)) {
  381.             // line 217
  382.             echo "                                ";
  383.             if (twig_get_attribute($this->env$this->sourcetwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source, (isset($context["app"]) || array_key_exists("app"$context) ? $context["app"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "app" does not exist.'217$this->source); })()), "user", [], "any"falsefalsefalse217), "villes", [], "any"falsefalsefalse217)) {
  384.                 // line 218
  385.                 echo "                                    <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"villeSelectModal\" value=\"";
  386.                 echo twig_escape_filter($this->envtwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->sourcetwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->sourcetwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source, (isset($context["app"]) || array_key_exists("app"$context) ? $context["app"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "app" does not exist.'218$this->source); })()), "user", [], "any"falsefalsefalse218), "villes", [], "any"falsefalsefalse218), "id", [], "any"falsefalsefalse218), "html"nulltrue);
  387.                 echo "\" data-city-name=\"";
  388.                 echo twig_escape_filter($this->envtwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->sourcetwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->sourcetwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source, (isset($context["app"]) || array_key_exists("app"$context) ? $context["app"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "app" does not exist.'218$this->source); })()), "user", [], "any"falsefalsefalse218), "villes", [], "any"falsefalsefalse218), "VilleNom", [], "any"falsefalsefalse218), "html"nulltrue);
  389.                 echo "\" data-city-postal-code=\"";
  390.                 echo twig_escape_filter($this->envtwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->sourcetwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->sourcetwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source, (isset($context["app"]) || array_key_exists("app"$context) ? $context["app"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "app" does not exist.'218$this->source); })()), "user", [], "any"falsefalsefalse218), "villes", [], "any"falsefalsefalse218), "VilleCodePostal", [], "any"falsefalsefalse218), "html"nulltrue);
  391.                 echo "\">
  392.                                 ";
  393.             } else {
  394.                 // line 220
  395.                 echo "                                    <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"villeSelectModal\" value=\"\">
  396.                                 ";
  397.             }
  398.             // line 222
  399.             echo "                            ";
  400.         } else {
  401.             // line 223
  402.             echo "                                <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"villeSelectModal\" value=\"\">
  403.                             ";
  404.         }
  405.         // line 225
  406.         echo "                            <select class=\"js-data-example-ajax form-control\" id=\"villeSelectDropdown\" name=\"ville\" style=\"width:100%\"></select>
  407.                         </div>
  408.                         <div class=\"mb-3\">
  409.                             <label for=\"rayon\" class=\"form-label\">Rayon de recherche :</label>
  410.                             <input type=\"number\" name=\"rayon\" class=\"form-control\" id=\"rayon\" min=\"0\">
  411.                         </div>
  412.                         <div class=\"mb-3 d-flex justify-content-end\">
  413.                             <button class=\"btn btn-primary\" style=\"background-color: #ADB9CA!important; border: solid 1px #d82e9f!important; margin-top:5px;\">Ajouter</button>
  414.                         </div>
  415.                     </form>
  416.                 </div>
  417.             </div>
  418.             <h3>Votre liste d'alertes</h3>
  419.             <div class=\"alerte-table\">
  420.                 <div class=\"container\">
  421.                     ";
  422.         // line 241
  423.         $context['_parent'] = $context;
  424.         $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable((isset($context["alertes"]) || array_key_exists("alertes"$context) ? $context["alertes"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "alertes" does not exist.'241$this->source); })()));
  425.         foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["alerte"]) {
  426.             // line 242
  427.             echo "                        <div class=\"row pb-3\">
  428.                             <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-primary d-flex\" style=\"background-color: #ADB9CA!important; border: solid 1px #d82e9f!important;\">
  429.                                 <span class=\"mr-auto\">";
  430.             // line 244
  431.             echo twig_escape_filter($this->envtwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source$context["alerte"], "texte", [], "any"falsefalsefalse244), "html"nulltrue);
  432.             echo "</span>
  433.                                 <span class=\"ml-auto delete-alert\" data-id=\"";
  434.             // line 245
  435.             echo twig_escape_filter($this->envtwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source$context["alerte"], "id", [], "any"falsefalsefalse245), "html"nulltrue);
  436.             echo "\" aria-hidden=\"true\">&times;</span>
  437.                             </button>
  438.                         </div>
  439.                     ";
  440.         }
  441.         $_parent $context['_parent'];
  442.         unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['alerte'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
  443.         $context array_intersect_key($context$_parent) + $_parent;
  444.         // line 249
  445.         echo "                </div>
  446.             </div>
  447.         </div>
  448.     </div>
  449. </div>
  450.    <!-- Modal d'achat  -->
  451.    <!-- Modal -->
  452.    ";
  453.         // line 298
  454.         echo "
  455.    </header>
  456. ";
  457.         // line 300
  458.         $this->displayBlock('body'$context$blocks);
  459.         // line 301
  460.         echo "
  461.  <!-- Modal connexion-->
  462.                         <div class=\"modal fade\" id=\"connexion-modal\" tabindex=\"-1\" aria-labelledby=\"connexion-modal-Label\" aria-hidden=\"true\">
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  464.                               <div class=\"modal-content\" style=\"z-index: 100;\">
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  470.                                     <form class=\"row g-3 needs-validation\" method=\"POST\" action=\"";
  471.         // line 311
  472.         echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getPath("custom_login");
  473.         echo "\">
  474.                                        <div class=\"mb-3\">
  475.                                           <label for=\"Email-connexion\" class=\"form-label\">Email</label>
  476.                                           <input type=\"email\" class=\"form-control\" id=\"Email-connexion\" name=\"email\" aria-describedby=\"emailHelp\">
  478.                                        </div>
  479.                                        <div class=\"mb-3\">
  480.                                              <label for=\"Password-connexion\" class=\"form-label\">Mot de passe</label>
  481.                                              <div class=\"input-group\">
  482.                                                 <input type=\"password\" class=\"form-control\" id=\"exampleInputPassword1\" name=\"password\" aria-describedby=\"forgot-password\">
  483.                                                 <button class=\"btn btn-outline-secondary\" type=\"button\" id=\"togglePassword1\">
  484.                                                    <i class=\"fas fa-eye\"></i>
  485.                                                 </button>
  486.                                              </div>
  487.                                              <div id=\"forgot-password\" class=\"form-text\">
  488.                                                 <a href=\"forgot-Password.php\" style=\"color: #F6249D;\">Mot de passe oublié ?</a>
  489.                                              </div>
  490.                                        </div>
  491.                                        <div class=\"mb-3 \">
  492.                                           <p>Pas encore membre ? <a class=\"login-text\" href=\"#\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#exampleModal\" style=\"color : black; text-decoration: underline !important;\">S'inscrire</a></p>
  493.                                        </div>
  495.                                        <button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Connexion</button>
  496.                                     </form>
  497.                                  </div>
  498.                               </div>
  499.                            </div>
  500.                         </div>
  501.                         <!-- fin modal particulier -->
  502.                           <!-- Modal -->
  503. <div class=\"modal fade\" id=\"exampleModal\" tabindex=\"-1\" aria-labelledby=\"exampleModalLabel\" aria-hidden=\"true\">
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  507.                 <h5 class=\"modal-title\" id=\"exampleModalLabel\">Sélectionnez votre statut</h5>
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  512.         // line 349
  513.         echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getPath("inscription", ["type" => "part"]);
  514.         echo "\" class=\"btnModem\" style=\"width:60%\">INSCRIPTION PARTICULIER</a>
  515.                 <a href=\"";
  516.         // line 350
  517.         echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getPath("inscription", ["type" => "pro"]);
  518.         echo "\" class=\"btnMod\" style=\"width:60%; margin-top:20px; white-space: nowrap;\">INSCRIPTION PROFESSIONNEL</a>
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  555.         // line 388
  556.         if ((=== twig_compare(twig_get_attribute($this->env$this->sourcetwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source, (isset($context["app"]) || array_key_exists("app"$context) ? $context["app"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "app" does not exist.'388$this->source); })()), "session", [], "any"falsefalsefalse388), "get", [=> "type"], "method"falsefalsefalse388), "part"))) {
  557.             echo "green";
  558.         } else {
  559.             echo "blue";
  560.         }
  561.         echo "\">DÉCOUVRIR MODIXOM</h3>
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  565.         // line 391
  566.         if ((=== twig_compare(twig_get_attribute($this->env$this->sourcetwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source, (isset($context["app"]) || array_key_exists("app"$context) ? $context["app"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "app" does not exist.'391$this->source); })()), "session", [], "any"falsefalsefalse391), "get", [=> "type"], "method"falsefalsefalse391), "pro"))) {
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  569.             echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getPath("professionnels", [], "#propos");
  570.             echo "\">A Propos</a></li>
  571.                                 ";
  572.         } else {
  573.             // line 394
  574.             echo "                                    <li><a href=\"";
  575.             echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getPath("app_default", [], "#propos");
  576.             echo "\">A Propos</a></li>
  577.                                 ";
  578.         }
  579.         // line 396
  580.         echo "                                <li><a href=\"recommander_commercant.php\">Recommander un commerçant</a></li>
  581.                                 <li><a href=\"browse-particulier-no-logged.php\">Annonces</a></li>
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  748.                 return \"Saisir minimum 3 caractères\";
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  751.                 return \"Recherche en cours...\";
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  835.                 return \"Saisir minimum 3 caractères\";
  836.             },
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  838.                 return \"Recherche en cours...\";
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  841.                 return \"Aucun résultat trouvé\";
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  891.     var defaultCityName = \$('#villeSelectModal').data('city-name');
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  893.     if (defaultCityId && defaultCityName) {
  894.         var defaultOption = new Option(defaultCityName + ' (' + defaultCityPostalCode + ')', defaultCityId, true, true);
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  932.     }
  933.     public function getSourceContext()
  934.     {
  935.         return new Source("
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  995.                   <span style=\"font-size: 23px\">MODIXOM</span>
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  1009.                            </a>
  1010.                            <a href=\"{{path('favoris')}}\" class=\"d-flex\">
  1011.                               <div class=\"btn-alert\" style=\"background-color:#ADB9CA;\">
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  1015.                            </a>
  1016.                            <a href=\"{{path('annonces')}}\" class=\"d-flex\">
  1017.                               <div class=\"btn-alert\" style=\"background-color:#ADB9CA;\">
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  1020.                               <!-- <span class=\"modal-title d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center\" style:\"padding-top:35px;\">Alertes</span> -->
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  1022.                            {% endif %}
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  1028.                               {% else %}
  1029.                               <a style=\"text-decoration: none; color:black; margin-left:2em;\" class=\"nav-link modal-title\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#connexion-modal\" ><i class=\"fas fa-regular fa-plus\"></i> Créer une annonce</a>
  1030.                               {% endif %}
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  1032.                            {% endif %}
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  1046.                                {% if app.user.type == 'pro' %}
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  1048.                                     <a class=\"dropdown-item\" href=\"{{path('notesEnseignes')}}\"><!--<i class=\"fas fa-thumbs-up\"></i>--> Notes obtenues</a>
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  1050.                                  <hr>
  1051.                                  <li><a class=\"dropdown-item\" href=\"{{path('mesAnnonces',{'type':'encours'})}}\">Mes annonces</a></li>
  1052.                                  <li><a class=\"dropdown-item\" href=\"{{path('mesAnnonces',{'type':'terminee'})}}\">Annonces terminées</a></li>
  1053.                                  <li><a class=\"dropdown-item\" href=\"{{path('achatCredit')}}\"  style=\"color:red\">Acheter du crédit</a></li>
  1054.                                  {# data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#achatModal\" #}
  1055.                                  <li><a class=\"dropdown-item\" href=\"{{path('achatFacture')}}\"  style=\"color:red\"></i> Factures</a></li>
  1056.                                  <hr>
  1057.                                  {% endif %}
  1058.                                  <li><a href=\"{{path('profil')}}\" class=\"dropdown-item\">Profil</a></li> 
  1059.                                  <li><a href=\"{{path('app_logout')}}\" class=\"dropdown-item user-logout\">Déconnexion</a></li>
  1060.                                  <li><a href=\"\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#modaldelete\" class=\"dropdown-item user-logout\">Supprimer mon compte</a></li>
  1061.                               </ul>
  1062.                            </li>
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  1067.                {% else %}
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  1072.       <!-- <a data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#connexion-modal\">Se connecter</a> -->
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  1074.             </div>
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  1088.                <p>Vous êtes sur le point de nous demander de fermer de manière définitive votre compte et de supprimer vos données. Une fois votre compte fermé, tous les services auxquels vous accédez par le biais de votre compte ne seront plus disponibles.</p>
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  1090.                   <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"confirmation\" id=\"confirmation\">
  1091.                   <label for=\"confirmation\">OUI, JE SOUHAITE FERMER DEFINITIVEMENT MON COMPTE ET SUPPRIMER MES DONNÉES</label>
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  1101. <!-- Modal -->
  1102. <div class=\"modal fade\" id=\"alerte\" tabindex=\"-1\" aria-labelledby=\"alerteModalLabel\" aria-hidden=\"true\">
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  1106.                 <h5 class=\"modal-title\" id=\"alerteModalLabel\">Mes alertes</h5>
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  1111.                     <form action=\"{{ path('addAlertes') }}\" method=\"post\" class=\"d-flex flex-column\">
  1112.                         <label for=\"\" class=\"form-label\" style=\"margin:0;padding:10px;\">Créer une alerte par mots-clés :</label>
  1113.                         <div class=\"d-flex\">
  1114.                             <input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"texte\" style=\"height:2.5em;\" placeholder=\"Nouvelle Alerte\">
  1115.                         </div>
  1116.                 </div>
  1117.                 <div id=\"alerte-categorie\" style=\"margin-top:30px;\">
  1118.                     <div>
  1119.                         <div class=\"mb-3\">
  1120.                             <label for=\"categorie\" class=\"form-label\">Créer une alerte par catégorie :</label>
  1121.                             <div class=\"d-flex\">
  1122.                                 <select class=\"form-select\" id=\"categorie\" name=\"categorie\" style=\"height:2.5em;\">
  1123.                                     <option value=\"0\">-- Choisir catégorie --</option>
  1124.                                     {% for categorie in categories %}
  1125.                                         <option value=\"{{ }}\">{{ categorie.libelle }}</option>
  1126.                                     {% endfor %}
  1127.                                 </select>
  1128.                             </div>
  1129.                         </div>
  1130.                     </div>
  1131.                 </div>
  1132.                 <div id=\"alerte-perimetre\" style=\"margin-top:40px;\">
  1133.                     <div>
  1134.                         <div class=\"mb-3\">
  1135.                             <label for=\"perimetre\" class=\"form-label\">Créer une alerte par localisation :</label>
  1136.                         </div>
  1137.                         <div class=\"mb-3\">
  1138.                             <label for=\"ville\" class=\"form-label\">Ville :</label>
  1139.                             {% if app.user %}
  1140.                                 {% if app.user.villes %}
  1141.                                     <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"villeSelectModal\" value=\"{{ }}\" data-city-name=\"{{ app.user.villes.VilleNom }}\" data-city-postal-code=\"{{ app.user.villes.VilleCodePostal }}\">
  1142.                                 {% else %}
  1143.                                     <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"villeSelectModal\" value=\"\">
  1144.                                 {% endif %}
  1145.                             {% else %}
  1146.                                 <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"villeSelectModal\" value=\"\">
  1147.                             {% endif %}
  1148.                             <select class=\"js-data-example-ajax form-control\" id=\"villeSelectDropdown\" name=\"ville\" style=\"width:100%\"></select>
  1149.                         </div>
  1150.                         <div class=\"mb-3\">
  1151.                             <label for=\"rayon\" class=\"form-label\">Rayon de recherche :</label>
  1152.                             <input type=\"number\" name=\"rayon\" class=\"form-control\" id=\"rayon\" min=\"0\">
  1153.                         </div>
  1154.                         <div class=\"mb-3 d-flex justify-content-end\">
  1155.                             <button class=\"btn btn-primary\" style=\"background-color: #ADB9CA!important; border: solid 1px #d82e9f!important; margin-top:5px;\">Ajouter</button>
  1156.                         </div>
  1157.                     </form>
  1158.                 </div>
  1159.             </div>
  1160.             <h3>Votre liste d'alertes</h3>
  1161.             <div class=\"alerte-table\">
  1162.                 <div class=\"container\">
  1163.                     {% for alerte in alertes %}
  1164.                         <div class=\"row pb-3\">
  1165.                             <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-primary d-flex\" style=\"background-color: #ADB9CA!important; border: solid 1px #d82e9f!important;\">
  1166.                                 <span class=\"mr-auto\">{{ alerte.texte }}</span>
  1167.                                 <span class=\"ml-auto delete-alert\" data-id=\"{{ }}\" aria-hidden=\"true\">&times;</span>
  1168.                             </button>
  1169.                         </div>
  1170.                     {% endfor %}
  1171.                 </div>
  1172.             </div>
  1173.         </div>
  1174.     </div>
  1175. </div>
  1176.    <!-- Modal d'achat  -->
  1177.    <!-- Modal -->
  1178.    {# <div class=\"modal fade\" id=\"achatModal\" tabindex=\"-1\" aria-labelledby=\"achatModalLabel\" aria-hidden=\"true\">
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  1181.             <div class=\"modal-header\">
  1182.                <h5 class=\"modal-title\" id=\"achatModalLabel\">Acheter du crédit</h5>
  1183.                <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn-close\" data-bs-dismiss=\"modal\" aria-label=\"Close\"></button>
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  1190.                            <div class=\"theme-input-box\">
  1191.                               <label>Combien de crédit souhaitez-vous ? </label>
  1192.                               <input class=\"theme-input\" type=\"number\" name=\"\" placeholder=\"10\">
  1193.                            </div>
  1194.                         </div>
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  1196.                            <div class=\"fix-price-value\">
  1197.                               <h3 class=\"theme-title\" style=\"color: #F6249D;\">Nombre de crédit restant : 12</h3>
  1198.                               <p class=\"theme-description\">1 crédit = 1 euro </p>
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  1556.     var defaultCityPostalCode = \$('#villeSelectModal').data('city-postal-code');
  1557.     if (defaultCityId && defaultCityName) {
  1558.         var defaultOption = new Option(defaultCityName + ' (' + defaultCityPostalCode + ')', defaultCityId, true, true);
  1559.         \$('#villeSelectDropdown').append(defaultOption).trigger('change');
  1560.     }
  1561. });
  1562. </script>
  1564. <!-- javascript -->
  1565. </body>
  1566. </html>""base2.html.twig""/var/www/vhosts/");
  1567.     }
  1568. }